Secursive Blog
Welcome to Secursive blog. This blog is intended as a collection of my thoughts on some of the interesting security topics from your trusted security advisor.
Best Practices For Installation Packages, Updates, Plugins Download
Security Recommendations for Encrypted Backups
Avoiding Directory Traversal in Java
Surveillance First: How Not to Write a Contact Tracing App
Safely building and invoking commands in Powershell scripts
A Critical First Look at Stakeholder Specific Vulnerability Categorization (SSVC)
Use of Angular JS and Cross Site Scripting
Security Considerations When Using JMX ports
Security Considerations When Including Open Source Software
Security Considerations for REST API Developers
Security Considerations During File Manipulation In Bash Scripts
Securely Reading and Passing Passwords on Commandline in Bash Scripts
Securely connecting to a TLS endpoint that uses self signed SSL certificate
Secure Communication between Windows/Frames/iframes in a Browser
Recommended Values for Security relevant HTTP Headers
Recommended Ciphers and MACs for SSH
Java Deserialization Prevention When Using XStream
Getting SubjectName and SubjectAlternativeNames in Python
Fetching, verifying, and using SSH Host Key Fingerprint
Creating Safe Renderer/Template Functions to Avoid XSS
Getting Started With Go Programming Languaue (golang) Code Review
Setting up the workspace for Hacking Lab
Cyber warfare and the human aspects of security policy